000-200 - How to Pass IBM Storage Sales Combined V1 Exam - John Michals

000-200 exam is otherwise known as IBM storage sales combines v1 exam and it is accepted as well as can be used in all parts of the world. Since IBM is one of the reputed IT organizations, candidates certifying certification programs from IBM are benefited in several ways. This certificate will suit best to the IT professionals who are in the sales and marketing field or who are interested in IBM storage sales.


Guidelines on how to pass IBM 000-200 exam:

Since 000-200 exam is sales oriented certification, candidates should work hard to pass in this examination. It is necessary for the candidates to make use of the classroom training from IBM for this examination in order to get effective training. Even study guides are also available for the same from IBM and candidates who can't go for classroom training can make use of this study guides for self study option. Apart from these study guides and classroom training, IBM also offers assessment test to the candidates.

000-200 assessment exam from IBM:

Assessment exam from IBM is for the candidates who are interested in online exam. For taking this assessment exam, 10$ fee has to be paid. The minimum score to pass in this exam is 70% and the time duration is 75 minutes. By attending this test and passing, IBM does not provide any passing guarantee. The following are the procedures on how to apply for this assessment exam.

1) Log on to IBM website and access to test deliver tool prime. It will redirect to another website for the further processes.
2) Continue with step 1 if you have your Prometric ID else continue to step 2 if you don't have a prometric ID.
3) Follow the instructions carefully because you will be registering for a new login ID as well as password. Then select the System and storage assessment section from the list.
4) Now select the take test option
5) In the public test, select System and storage assessment section and then submit it
6) Proceed with the exam and follow the instructions on the screen displayed.

A 10$ fee is charged for writing this assessment test and the fee can be paid through credit cards online. The accepted credit cards are Visa, Master card and American express etc.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Michals


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